The Ganddee listing process is data-driven. We look at a set of base requirements and a set of sustainability-related criteria. Importantly, to list a business, we only consider publicly available information. If it's not public, we don't look at it.
Our mission is to help our users live sustainably. We do this by making it effortless for our users to discover businesses that care about people and planet, not just profits. To properly empower our users, every single Ganddee user must be able to see all the information that we see and used for the listing of a business. Transparency is fundamental to build accountability. It is a requirement for the virtuous circles we create. We are very careful with self-asserted credentials, and will look for evidence from 3rd parties' websites & public databases to verify claims. It's easy for a business to proclaim itself "sustainable", so we like to hear what others have to say about it!
If you are a business owner willing to get listed, please make sure to upload all relevant information online (e.g. on your website, Google drive with public access, etc.). As part of our business listing process we will aggregate all the relevant information on the "Ganddee Record" of the business. That way, our users can see all relevant data points for each listed business, in one click.
Transparency is needed for accountability.
Accountability is needed for good businesses to stand out & thrive.
We like companies that are upfront and transparent about their vision and impact.
If it’s hard to verify a business’ credentials, this is a bad sign.
When it comes to get listed, lack of (public) evidence is evidence of absence.
In order to be listed on Ganddee, a location must meet all of the following base criteria:
Must be open to the general public
Must have an official name
Must be open on a regularly scheduled basis
Must be stationary and have a permanent address (Travelling shops/trucks may be listed as long as their schedule and itinerary are regular and are posted online.)
Must be currently open (i.e. the business location must be active)
In addition to these base requirements, every location listed must demonstrate a strong commitment to sustainability.
We aim to continuously improve the process and look into more data sources when new ones are available.
For now, here are the data points we are collecting.
Does the business have some sustainability-related certifications? Is the business in the process to get certified? If 'Yes' great, we'll look at the assessment of 3rd parties. If 'No', no big deal, we'll look at other things.
Not all certifications are equal, and some certification processes can be rather opaque. That being said, being certified by a reputable certification body is a big plus to make it to Ganddee. It gives us an external opinion about the businesses we list. Some 3rd party certification/accreditation bodies are doing a great job, so it seems natural to take their work into consideration.
Getting list on Ganddee is also a chance for certified businesses to increase the value of their hard-earned certifications!
Actions speak louder than words. We love to hear when businesses support local communities and charities, we love it even more when we can see evidence of this great support.
Does the business support charities engaged in the fight against climate change? Does the business support the local community (e.g. hiring local, paying liveable wages etc.)? It’s good to say things, it’s better to do them.
We love businesses taking action and we look for evidence of this as part of the listing process.
Plastic pollution is a big issue. Most plastics end up straight in landfill or are incinerated (see e.g. OurWorldInData). We need to do something about it. We love businesses minimizing their plastic and waste footprint and helping their customers do so as well (e.g. bulk buying shops).
Is it worth producing plastics that will pollute for 500 years to use them 10 minutes? We don’t think so.
It’s great to be certified, 'carbon neutral', and donate a share of profits to climate causes, but if the core economic activity of a business is destructive for the environment, then, chances are that more harm is caused than good. In this case it’s probably worth keeping all the profits and pivot to a more sustainable way of doing business.
We like businesses that are circular, e.g. that promote sharing over owning, that give a second life to things or that help their customers live more sustainably (e.g. refill stores).
Hats off to businesses owning the full lifecycle of the goods they sell, i.e. especially the after life of items, by either offering repairing services and/or recycling services to their customers.
All types of actors are warmly welcome to Ganddee, whether for-profit or not-for-profit, it really doesn't matter, we need everything to make our world. However, we do look at whether the incorporation structure of a location aligns with its communications. We want to make sure that businesses claiming to be social enterprises are either accredited as such or have the appropriate incorporation structure.
Industrial-scale exploitation of animals can increase biodiversity loss (e.g. see these facts), increase greenhouse gases emissions (see e.g. this report) and can be land intensive, thus increasing deforestation (see e.g. here). Time to give other species a break.We love businesses going vegan and limiting their negative impact on the living world.
We like companies that are upfront and transparent about their vision and impact.
If it’s hard to verify a business’ credentials, this is a bad sign.
When it comes to get listed, lack of (public) evidence is evidence of absence.