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Shop what you need 🥕🪑👚☕🍻🔧🎮 effortlessly & sustainably


Access hundreds of second hand, charity, rental, refill and certified shops in your local area or online. With Ganddee you can easily find sustainable alternatives to your everyday goods and services, in one click.

Ganddee is easy.



Sustainable shopping is more expensive, right? Not anymore! We list businesses for all budgets. As if that wasn't enough, we're partnering with dozens of mission aligned brands to offer exclusive discount to Ganddee users!

Ganddee is for all budgets.



If you Google "sustainable brands" you'll realize every brand claims to be... We know, the greenwashing machine is going "brrrr" these days. This is why transparency is core to Ganddee. Our listing process is data driven. We only list a business when we find enough evidence about its sustainability credentials. Once it's on the app, you can access it all, in one click.

Ganddee is transparent.


Track your progress

Save your favorite locations, plan your next weekends out, track how many businesses you've supported and receive badges for your outstanding in-app activity. We know that progress beats perfection, and we're here to support you.

Ganddee is friendly.



Walking around and spotting a local business that you think should be on Ganddee but isn't yet? Let us know about it! Suggest businesses in a few clicks and we'll review and analyze your suggestions. If the business gets listed, the community will be for ever grateful for your contribution.
See it, suggest it, listed 🙌

Ganddee is community-driven.



Connect with fellow Ganddizens during our online or in-person events. Join our WhatsApp community and meet like minded individuals on their journey to live more sustainably and shape a better world.

Ganddee is more than an app. It's all of us.


We’ve made Ganddee to make your life easier.
Comments, questions, or general feedback about features requests or improvement are always welcome!

👋 Drop us a line at

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